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Elfbars are gay. I had one girl in college take me to the gas station so I could buy her one if she would buy me some juul pods, anyways I tried it and it tasted horrible.
Juul will always be king of the e-cigarettes. The sex appeal is like nothing else. I have had much sex with a juul hanging out of my mouth while we pass it back and forth as we moan. I miss flavored pods too like pic related, I have many fond memories in high school of when my blonde gf gave me cucumber pods for the first time and it was so good. We had sex in the backseat of my truck with the a/c on full blast on a hot muggy summer night. Feeling her kissing my crotch while I tasted that cucumber flavor is something I will never forget.
>t. was in 11th grade when juul hit the market and exploded in popularity, everyone had one, I could walk into a bathroom at school at any time and if I didn't have my juul with me I could just ask a guy to hit his for a second. Thus a new generation of nicotine addicts was born