>>6649441>Be me in Nursery (Kindergarten basically).>Doing some lame arts and crafts play time thing>Never seen a shitskin before going to school>Pak/Indian kid that speaks no English keeps taking the shit I want to use and i'm getting pissed and yelling at him>Tell teacher "this black boy isn't sharing">Teacher roughly graps my arm and pulls me into the hallway>Aggressively tells me I shouldn't call people by their skin colour and that he wasn't black>Thought all poo skins were called black becuase of TV?>Try to explain>Teacher says what if someone called you "that white skin boy with brown eyes" and how would I like that?>Confused.exe>Said it sounded accurate, and really didn't see the problem>Liberal cunty teacher said "never do that again", call people by their name>Said I didn't know the boys name, and he doesn't speak English anyway so I cant find out>Teacher tells me his name (can't remeber but it ended with dinder or pinder or binder) and sends me back to class>I'm a bit shaken and upset and don't understandNow, many, many years later I'm here on /pol hating on Liberal cunts and thieving shitskins...
And it all started it in Nursery...
Checkmate leftist school system!
>Some time later I came up with Ninderpinderbobinderbananafannabobindermemymominder - stupinder to mock the "black boy". Everyone thought it was hilarious.