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I really fucking don't. I guess I really overly estimated how hard things were and underestimated myself when it came to dealing with shit.
>Be me, bald, short muscular manlet.
>Be a shut in for the last 4 years and do nothing but fap, exercise and play vidya
>Get out and join Volley fire-dept because I want to do something new and better myself.
>Not really good, but show genuine interest and try to practice. Make it to every meeting.
>Get certifications out the ass. CPR, STB, BLS, Vehicle extrication. All that shit
>Finally land a job as a wagie making 13/hr after padding out my resume and have my shift lead sister help me apply during a holiday as a temp
>make full time
>Spend the last 5-ish months there keeping to myself, offering to buy people a snack or drink and putting on the fakest, most cheery personality I can with customers and other coworkers.
>Occasionally offer people ginger beer or homemade relish to get a second opinion
>Get invited out to go do stuff like play board games, the movies or to just shoot the shit by both my volley fire dept and my co-workers, all of whom are female
>Literally have the largest group of people ever genuinely offer to hang out and be friends, or at the very least attempt to include me ever in my life
>MFW all I had to do the entire time was to be more self confident and put a wall up so I could act less skittish.