Quoted By:
>Chad eats the same food as everyone else, doesn't follow any R*ddit guide to "increase test"
>still is Chad, 100x manlier and 1000x more attractive than you
>b-but muh soy muh phytoestrogens
You've CONVINCED yourselves that avoiding alcohol, junk food or masturbating is the way to "be a real man"...but...LOOK AT THE GUYS WHO ACTUALLY GET LAID. Look at Chad. Chad wakes up at 2 in the afternoon, checks his phone and sees 5 new Snapchat notifications. All of them are nudes from different girls. Did "lifting" earn him that? Did those girls choose him because they liked his "increased confidence" which he got from NOT MASTURBATING? LMFAO. FUCK NO.
Face it /pol/, it's either ALPHA GENETICS or BETA RESULTS.