>>5613815The Church Fathers, the writings with the Bibles, fucking dipshit you only use one source.
Using the bible itself is retarded, you only get a part of the grand scheme of things.
>>The decision to retain Latin as the language of the Church and government, inevitable because of ecclesiastical tradition, the international nature ofCharlemagne's Empire and the lack of expertise in the writing ofthe vernacular, had important consequences within the medieval Church, leading to an ever-increasing gulf between the clergy and the laity. Later this gulf was deliberately maintained: when an application was made in the la te eleventh century to celebrate Mass in the vernacular, Pope Gregory VII held that 'not without reason has it pleased Almighty God that Holy Scripture be a secret in certain places, lest, ifit were plainly apparent to all men, perchance it would be little esteemed and be subject to disrespect; or it might be falsely understood by those ofmediocre learning and lead to error>>5613802>space cowboy is a cuck for the death of the westDipshit.