The confederate army was controlled by a British democrat jew named Judah Phillip Benjamin from the exclusively jewish British cult of B'nai B'rith, a British "intelligence" operation, which is the parent of the (((ADL)))who now blame their sordid history on the white man and indoctrinate US law enforcement. Blacks, White Irish, and the Chinese were all enslaved by European jews in America. It was the White Christian (((Republicans))) who fought a war against the democrats and freed the black slaves.
Judah Phillip Benjamin and Albert Pike created the KKK after losing the war to Abraham Lincoln, who was murdered by B’nai B’rith. The KKK was created to terrorize blacks and inhibit them from voting.
Dr. Tony Martin on Jewish control of the African slave trade: Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews 1994 Jewish Onslaught Dr. Tony Martin 1993 Ugly Truth About the ADL - EIR (1992).pdf Cargo 2008 Hell or Barbados; the Ethnic Cleansing of Ireland 2000’re a nigger.
Jews and Negro Slavery in the Old South - 1789-1865