Anyway, I'm not too sure about the maths of linguistics. I do know music is mathematical. A certain extreme shitposter I saw here was shitposting slightly less than normal, and he proclaimed that the rhythm of music is the mathy part, and his taste was high indeed for preferring this part of it.
But did you know the notes are the same, if not more so?
A note an octave higher from another, it's double the frequency. I wonder if anyone has ever put in the work to figure out the mathematic formula for something beautiful in its complexity.
And music is a sort of language too. It can move more strongly than words, and universally. For an example, SayoriSven's great love, Chopin's second sonata contains a movement widely known as the funeral march. To hear it is to evoke the thought of death. But this piece, if someone cared to do it, could be broken down to just numbers. The sounds, the pace, all of it. It's probably a tiresome thing to do though.
I can only imagine breaking down linguistics is even more so.
Well I'm still half asleep Sven.
And I could swear I have that one somewher
I still haven't finished sorting through this mess of pictures Alice gave me.