>>9178700OSAS is truth. It’s why Jesus came to earth in the first place. No person was good enough at keeping God’s laws to earn their own salvation. Instead, a perfect sacrifice for all sin had to be made, because God wishes that all would live and none would perish.
The truth is, God knows how many times you’re going to sin in your life time. He knew that way ahead of time, before you were even born, and yet He made a way for you to join Him in His kingdom forever and have eternal life.
If you’re having any doubts, call on the name of Jesus. Ask Him into your heart. He will see you and respond. God loves you so much more than you could ever imagine. He WANTS you to be with Him.
Don’t listen to anyone who tries to make salvation seem hard. It cannot be earned, no matter how “good” of a person you think you are. It’s people like that who were called Pharisee’s in the days of Jesus. They are white washed tombs, pretty on the outside, but dead on the inside.