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Take your fucking meds this is the 100th thread you've spammed with this shitty comic and copypasta of your own posts
kys kys kys
not him but there's no reason to get annoyed if anything you;re the retard for getting buttmad at these based posts
>not him
>same ID
Okay so you're trolling. Are you that sad that you troll 5 threads a day on every fucking board?
>eading a second person book written in future tense
>half way through it says 'You will go to the gas station near your old school—you know the one—and wait there. You'll bring this book with you so I can give you further instructions. There I'll tell you to purchase a jerrycan of gasoline and I'll ask if you brought your lighter: To which you will say yes. Next I'll tell you that "You need to go to 237 Red Maple Drive and burn it down. The people inside have been keeping files on you. The car that drove by your house was one of their agents." After reaching the house you'll check the book for further instructions. After walking around the neighborhood and after destroying your phone because you know someone's been listening to our conversation, you check the book, "look for an open window—it was hot today," to which you see their garden window is open, then you'll check the book again, "pour the gasoline on the floor, the files are hidden in the walls and floorboards so this is the fastest way. Don't lose faith in me now. Nobody lives here: those portraits are fake—you can tell they're stock images of children and families." You will then, after emptying the jerrycan all over the bottom floor of the house—leading to the mail slot—exit through the front door. After doing this you'll light a piece of scrap paper you prepared with your lighter and push it through the mail slot. You'll check the book again and I'll tell you to go home and await further instructions.'
Any other books for this feel?
is this from a book? or just schizo