we have to talk about some issues very intesively.. i talked about picture quality already. but audio quality is of utter importance same as smoking and oils. herbs, teas etc to smoke.., i will elaborate.
basically every audio gear which is on the market is destroyed. and i mean everything. i will show you this video from cj bollands studio from the 90s and this sounds very likely better than everything you know in the year 2022. jared kushner is the main corruptor here, the technology became better and better, microchip technology makes audio better but there is no modern audio equipment with moder microchips, which works as intended.
every modern DAC and Loudspeaker is destroyed in the bass. it's hit at the bass to destroy the whole harmony inside the equipment. if you combine the wrong two audio equipments, you can't get a precise or clear audio reproduction. you can spend hundreds of dollars and the audio will still be distorted beyond recognition.
listen to this recording and focus on her voice. they recorded and mastered her voice into the bass issue. it sound terrible on the presonus eris 4.5bt i have which cost nearly $200
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUEgDjS6sYMcheck this video out. instagram is 22khz sampling rate, but nevertheless. it's the soundquality of 1991. i don't know anyone which music sounds precise like this studio does. actually many are way further corrupting, check out the newest deep dimension ep, it's not acceptable. the government has to intervene and form a task force with elon musk and high intelligent and science enthusiasted people like hideo kojima and many more. i've talked about it already, i forgot where it was, but see yourself. we are still not able to drive 2.0 systems correctly in the year 2022. think of the societal and cognitive implications.