>>13924699>>13924699>What are the actual dimensions of a 2x4x6 stud.Such a thing does not exist. Furthermore, if that's the kind of point someone is trying to make, they would be better off trying to scam some mystery purpose to the machinist's 1x2x3 block... Before anyone goes off their meds over it, it's because you can flip such a block onto whichever side most beneficially fixtures your workpiece. It's not because those particular numbers are superior. You can simply bolt blocks of these *PROPORTIONS* together to form any integer value. This mis-explanation shit is literally a tactic to exploit brainlets into thinking you're some wielder of magic, when all they have to do is look at pictures in encyclopedias and read the captions when something interesting pops out, and play some documentaries when they would otherwise be smoking pot and watching cartoons in front of their "Orgonite" epoxy resin with garbage floating in it.