>>6180692Hey guys here's my update:
>HealthImproving, still at a 2XL button shirt pants are down to a 44 inch from 52 inch.
>DietNo fast food for 3 weeks now. No sugar for 2 months now and no junk food/ice cream for same (except for popcorn one time at theater with girlfriend). No pop or slurpies since April
>FitnessBeen slipping on my 3x a week 2 hour gym sessions. Just too busy with work, social obligations and house renos/maintenance. But currently curling 40lbs, dumbbell press 50lbs each hand, lat pull 240lbs, incline pull 320lbs, leg press 800lbs. And all improving, but have been reducing weights to improve cardio.
>ReadConstantly, even started listening to podcasts at work to grow mind more for constant stimulation.
>No fapNo issue, girlfriend keeps all urges satisfied.
>Pic related