>>16252879This. The true problem aren't Jews, Illuminati, or some group in power. Even if they really are in control to some degree and cause problems, they're not the root cause. Letting women get voting rights is what's poisoning the world. People vote on their interests, and women care about being taken care of. It's in their biology. They need a strong supporter to support them and their children. So when they get authority and power, they're gonna use it for police states, gimmiedats and money. If you're a man, you vote for less authority so you can govern your own life on your own. Women can't do this, they cannot live on their own, they need others, mainly men to live, and have other women accept them socially. People who cannot compete in nature, support collectivism like communism. They cannot survive on their own, so they support programs that gang up on people who can, and take from them. It's evil. Women do this, and the faggot ass pussy men do it as well, but the faggot ass pussy men are the minority, most men can compete and carve out a life for themselves in some meaningful way, almost no women can't. They lack the intelligence and strength to do it. If you truly value freedom, liberty, and a better world, you understand that women's rights is the biggest disaster in history. Not the Kikes, any shadow governments, technology, it's women empowerment. Repeal the 19th.