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What the fuck is this gay ass meme!? You think this shit is funny? Do you have any idea what it takes to create a truly funny and ORGANIC meme? That’s a rhetorical question, because the answer is obviously NO! This meme is absolute garbage, created by the lamest most unfunny gay FAGGOTS to ever curse the internet with their presence. I’ve seen thousands of memes in my time, THOUSANDS, and of all those thousands, at best only a couple hundred were worthy of being posted. The rest were all grotesquely massacred back-ally abortions, just like this one! You think you can just draw any old fucking picture in MS paint, post it to the internet, and it magically becomes a meme? NO! Retards like you could never comprehend the meaning of meme magic! You’re merely a lowly apprentice in the presence of high wizards, simply regurgitating the putrid scum you’ve consumed from the lower bowels of the meme sewers, the sewers which carry away the long ago flushed memes from past internet shit posts, where soon this meme too will reside! If you could only see just how pathetic you really are, you would bow down before your meme elders in shame and beg for forgiveness, but you lack the eyes with which to see your own reflection, just as you lack the sight to see your own miserable failure! You are a disappointment to all of humanity, a disgusting example of wasted potential, so egregious as to offend the unoffendable. May you suffer for the suffering you’ve imposed upon us all, you worthless, uninspired, unoriginal, barely conscious, flesh sac full of foul fetid SHIT!