>>21130238racemixing literally destroys a society, which is why all religions condemn it.
>ALL RELIGIONS CONDEMN IT!This alone should sway everyone who is even a little bit religous in any way.
Biologically, everything revolves around kinship and tribal instinct.
It is true that in theory, the bigger we can draw that circle, the more we can achieve via better organization (-> supertribes -> states). But obviously we also know that at some point, various factors like economic externalities simply overwhelm any positives could gain from a bigger group.
In plain words, Aryans can't vibe with kikes, niggers and brown people.
So that essential tribal instinct can be carefully stretched to a degree to allow for more benefits. But jews and other greedy elites rip it apart mercilessly. And if you break that healthy instinct, you will also break any other morals which are all attached to our social instincts.
>Welcome to the current year, goy!>feminism>xenophilia>lgbt>endless greed>anti White shitthe list goes on
And finally, if you racemix, you're not even strongly related to your own kid anymore!
Paternal (maternal also, I guess there's one female polack out there) care revolves around sameness. But a random White guy is more related to you than your half chink kid. It's worse than adopting a random White kid.
Fatherhood is no more:
You won't get his asthetic choices.
You won't be able to donate a kidney to him.
You won't be able to connect in a meaningful way.
Your choice dealt a severe blow to your own race when being true mattered a lot.
OP is correct.
Stay White, powerful and Sieg Heil!