>>20135588The Greek historian and skeptical philosopher Hecataeus of Abdera said that Sea People who caused the Bronze Age Collapse were Proto-Israelites.
>“Even among the ancients some considered that the [Danaan] settlers who arrived [in Greece] from Egypt were at any rate not of Egyptian descent, but adventurers of Semitic race, who, having been expelled from Egypt, had some of them turned towards Greece” -(Antiquities Of Greece, p. 12)>[Hecataeus says,] “Once, when a pestilence had broken out in Egypt, the cause of the visitation was generally ascribed to the anger of the gods. As many strangers dwelt in Egypt, and observed different customs in religion and sacrifice, it came to pass that the hereditary worship of the gods was being given up in Egypt. The Egyptians, therefore, were of opinion that they would obtain no alleviation of the evil unless they removed the people of foreign extraction. When they were driven out, the noblest and bravest part of them, as some say, under noble and renowned leaders, Danaus and Cadmus, came to Hellas [Greece]; but the great bulk of them migrated into the land, not far removed from Egypt, which is now called Judea. These emigrants were led by Moses, who was the most distinguished among them for wisdom and bravery.”>Hecataeus of Abdera was an historian living in fourth century B.C. Egypt under Ptolemy I -- a general of Alexander the Great. In the extract above, this ancient historian clearly connected both the Hebrews and the Danaan as part of the same Exodus. Therefore, the Danaan were in fact the Biblical tribe of Dan -- a seafaring tribe and part of the Hebrew Exodus>The Denyen (Egyptian: dꜣjnjnjw) is purported to be one of the groups constituting the Sea Peoples. These areas also show evidence of close ties with the Aegean as a result of the Late Helladic III C 1b pottery associated with Mycenaean Greece found in these areas