>>207404011. Check
2. Check
3. Check
4. I'd say check but others may disagree
5. They're dead. I tried but after a when your mom tries to kill you there are limits. But if being a slave who has to do what ever your disfunctional parent says is a fail than I FAIL.
6. Check
7. Check. Never been married, and usually refrain from married women.
8. In my whole life time? fail. In general? Check for the most part.
9. Check. Keep in mind it is bearing false witness not lying. But if we interpret it as lying, including white lies, FAIL.
10. Surprising check. If I do "covet" it is more to ask them how they got it, then work to get one of my own version of it. If that counts then FAIL.
Huh, these are easier than I remember...
But what do I know.
Technically I failed a few of these depending on how strict you hold the actions that violate what is here or pass if you are not that strict.