>>9392370I started the thread with a genuine curiosity.
I'll give you a little backstory.
There was a recent disruption in my group of friends. The word attention whore was thrown around a lot. Made me question why I and everyone else was using the word. As if seeking attention is some sort of bad thing.
That lead me to thinking about 4chan. It's a phase I see thrown around a lot here. Any time someone draws attention to themselves intentionally they're called out as an attention whore. Got me to thinking what is actually bad about that.
/bant/ is a small community that has quite a few namefags/attentionwhores. So I figured it would be a fun little conversation piece. I didn't enter into the thread with an idea I wanted proven or disproved. I wanted to hear other people's opinions on it.
>>9392375>I didn't see anyone else giving you that answer except yourselfThen you're obviously not paying enough attention to what people are saying.