>>14998455It truly is. I'm a virgin by choice. I used to avoid sex because I thought it was special and God commanded it. Now, I'm aware that I do not wish to have my soul contaminated by the mixing of spirits that happen during sex.
>the mystery that two spirits become one flesh.Roasties and manwhores talk about "pRayiNg aWaY sOuL tiEs"... I don't think that's biblical or possible. back in the day, "good" housewives would say their husband became a different person, that's how they knew he was cheating on them. It's true. Mix souls through sex.. become a different person. Satanists use this fact. They send women around the world to have sex with other satanists, like a mobile 10 terrabyt hard drive. so when they plug into her, they can gain shared power. The spirit realm is whack, and women are far more succeptible to it.