>>9150230i'm talking about a literal tower you can climb down from. the sphinx is part of the key, the chambers and paths are also in any arctica, i've already found the entrance through google earth. though without feet on the ground it's hard to verify fully
funny enough, this seal of hezekia is part of the map, in the eye of the ankh is the entrance to the under ground chamber/paths, near the winged cherub is the "queen of the south" which is the feminine representation of the sphinx.
the ancient myths are explaining the same thing, though, they could all be mentioning a world wide cult which is designed to send us to our deaths or suicide
*when i discovered the truth, i received demonic spirits hounding me for months, they've finally settled down, but there's a real curse tied to this, only those who trust God can go through the entrance.
(seeing how there's a guarding holding the book of life near it and a lamb and a puddle of blood)
be warned (((they))) have placed a spell throughout the earth of self destruction (suicide), to anyone who discovers the exit paths, only the blood of Jesus can break that spell. HIGH LEVEL WITCHCRAFT. no joke