>>11026483>provided that nothing happensnigga I've been playing with explosives before I was even 10, if nitrates and chlorates were my jib when I was 12 when I'll be 22 it's hard to say anything will please my EM erection other than nitrocubanes, azidoazo azide azide, nitrotetrazoles and plastic explosives
theres no way I'm going down without wrecking one of my houses atleast
the whole area is highly filled with tiny ass villages like mine that are isolated by the woods and our only infrastructure consists of powerlines and dirt roads
houses are all in various amounts of disrepair and fires break out a dime a dozen, people here don't take kindly *insert any group that can inflict xenophobia* and every time you try to explain them shit like a civilised person they start throwing ad hominems
>exercisesugarcum... if you're dislocating your shoulder or spraining your ankle every time you exercise (let alone have a small piece of intestine pop out of your abdomen just waiting for the clench) I hope I don't have to be the one to tell you you be doing it all wrong
theres a difference to pushing your limits and just doing nothing with occassional injury that you can't bend over for a week afterwards
like I get it, theres a masohiistic kind of people that like to feel pain all over their body just to get that endorphine rush like a smack addict (in a sense literally as opioid receptors are flaring up here but thats besides the point) like I get that forcers and tom hardy work hard until they can hardly work but look at their testimonies later they practicslly broke their bodies for quick gain, hell my protein pack ain't even cumin for the next two weeks
still... you got them /fit/ folk saying how this is workgains vs model gains, well excuse me princess but the work gains come with added stress, a beer belly, crippling depression and rheumatic pains that never go away whereas model gains reduce stress, look hot af and make you feel like a god