>>2934162dear god...
Sven, do you know how the sami shamans and the bersherks(if true) used to do this?
As anon says you can lit die from that crap at least you do great damage to your kidneys.
>Gib mushroom to reindeer (or optimally thrall)>Have it/him eat it>Collect piss>Drink it>????>ProfitI watched this interview with a sami shaman talking about this(he ded nåw, think all the real ones are ded). And he was always talking about flying while on that stuff. Shit in the sky and flying, I must find this it is probably either on nrk somewhere or on judentube. Sounded like really crazy hallucinations too, but I would have avoided just that one.
The white ones will btw kill you fast, I do not believe there is an antidote (though not an expert)