>>16492220I don't think so. Leaving a mental scar on your child for the rest of his life just because you're upset over the authorities doing some slight wrong to you.
Looking up more about it, it wasn't only his 16 year old son, he also had two other younger children. Who won't get the support they need if that's what you're thinking, because the government support and whatnot in the country is rather poor. Unless they had any other family willing to take them in, those kids lives are pretty much fucked. And even if they get that lucky, all three of them are still going to have to grow up without a father. You can guess that it won't be very easy for them.
Nah. I don't care how much you try to make him out to be a martyr for justice or something, the reality of the situation is that he left an entire family damaged forever because of him not being able to put up with a simple misdoing.
People deal with much worse for the sake of the ones they love. This guy has pettily thrown away everything and accomplished nothing thanks to it, because he was asked to move his stand somewhere else. Boohoo. There is no sympathy to feel for this person, just for the children that he left behind.
But of course, the media will go ahead and make him out to be an hero and a martyr. I think that's interesting. Anything will be done to take even the slightest jabs at the government, even if it's glorifying a person who has done the very opposite of right.
Which is bad, because it leads to more people doing the same. They'll look at this person and see all the praise given onto him for his "courage", or something like that, and figure that they should do the same for the slight injustices against them. Completely disregarding the people in their lives who they would heavily impact in a negative way, and the fact that not much will even come out of what they're about to do. Everybody is going to move on after a week or so, while those close ones suffer. Nothing will be gained.