I have a reputation for being completely non-racist-- But I don't think anybody is completely non-racist, EVER. No matter where you are, There will always be a culture that offends your sensibilities somehow.
That, and I love THICC women from any ethnicity. Even asian girls, whom I would have zero attraction to otherwise. And every black girl I've ever been with has treated me like gold... I find it to be a plus: most of the black girls around here are semi-conservative. Me and my family were going for lunch on sunday, and we passed a christian pride parade with about 1,000 black people marching and dancing down the street. Now I don't know about some of the other canucks here, but I take that as a definite plus. There's always the threat of conflict lurking underneath any social interaction, and that's where it's easier alot of people of different races to get sucked into conflict. I don't have an answer to stop that, but I can tell you that people from different cultures will deal with you differently if you don't treat them as a threat.
I've avoided a few asskickings from natives this way.