>>18871237It makes you brain feel mushy and loose, which is why it's effective for depression. What you realize while you're on acid is that your brain is full of thoughts that go round and round and round, like a dog on a chain wearing a little circle into the grass. They're all little narratives you tell yourself over and over, most of the time you're not even aware you're repeating them. If you're a sad sack they're probably negative thoughts, maybe if you're a confident person they're positive thoughts. But while you're on acid you can step away from them, observe them, and change them if you want. Your head is full of mantras and while you're on acid (or deep in meditation) you can stop some mantras and start different mantras. It works for depressed people because they can stop mumbling the mantras that make them depressed and start mumbling new mantras.
You do get hallucinations too of course. One time I tried to sleep on acid (not a good idea) and I had a very vivid experience of lying in a bed of snakes, with them slithering all over me.