Quoted By:
>This boawd is the most uwniwonicawwy cwinge induwcing ciwcwejewk on this website. I couwwd make 50 photo awbuwms taking a pictuwwe of aww uw sewf-aggwandizing, dick wowshipping, nawcissistic, ego dwiven, pedestaw puwtting thweads and posts and it stiww wouwwdn't be enouwgh. I honestwy wish it was juwst advanced twowwing, buwt i'm pwetty cewtain most of u awe pwaying it 100% stwaight. The wack of sewf-awaweness u guwys have, pawading this pwace as the best boawd on 4chan, as u continuwe pwaying in uw own cuwm and fiwth is on anothew wevew. So pwease continuwe to make uw bwogposts, uw daiwy "my peepee is hawd and i mastuwwbated to anime again wow," wowi thweads, and cancewouws teen dwama that no wesponsibwe gwown aduwwt couwwd take sewiouwswy except uwsewves.
>it's weawwy intewesting how the common defense to posts wike this is juwst to wepost it as copypasta. It's wike being cawwed gay and then juwst sitting thewe wepeating "i'm gay" ovew and ovew to uwsewf.