>>18971727The pic is of an Ice Age cave painting, known as The Sorcerer and the pic next to it is of a Bulgarian kukeri. Surely you can see the similarity there, and it is not the only example of this.
More examples would just make the list too long, but I think I have made my point. I think furries are just a modern degenerated form of this primal, ancient tradition. The furry fandom is still for the most part made up of whites, and often very intelligent whites at that. Lots of people in the tech sector there as well as talented writers and artists. Culture is produced and it is a subculture that meets and connects regularly, to have fun and enjoy life, and this is exactly what we need to counter the isolation and demoralization agenda of the elites.
>But muh degeneracyI've made threads here before about how the modern theory of sexuality does not conform to the easily observable biological reality. we humans are in part animals with sex drives, and Puritanism will always fail because of this and will only take away the few joys people have to cope with existing in a universe that is indifferent to us. Even Goebbels said this much in his speech essay "More Morality, Less moralism"