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myths are how ancient people transmitted their knowledge. there were no government schools. stories are how cultural knowledge and ideas were passed. simultaneously, there were embodiments of natural ideals, inherent in nature, personified in their most perfected forms as gods. thats why every culture had common gods for things like life, death, light, time. the 'idols' helped your average laymen to channel their otherwise dormant spirit, and to both appreciate and make prayers to the divine. they didnt literally worship a tree. the tree was just a tool, just like tefillin is today for jews. the myths changed as knowledge changed. that was the whole point. you dont just set them in stone, or you stagnate spiritually. knowledge of the divine is never perfect, its always evolving, our understanding of it should always be adapting. so to just voluntarily stop seeking.. and to voluntarily stop that process.. its bordering on atheism. worse, even. its antagonistic.. jews and christcucks forced to sever your connection to the divine. and make you into a raceless npc kalergi golem who slaves their entire life away to serve the interest of jews.
killing is natural.
shitting on the jewish god is natural. his name at one point was fucking Yahu ffs lmao. and dont even get me started on the foreskin fetish. thats more a guide to how to join a secret society than anything to do with the divine. its anti-divine, also known as jewish.