>>11636246My dream today:
Visions of long ex-girlfriend, talking years back and one who I don't even think about anymore.
In real life, short alburn hair, plain jane but kinda pretty. In the dream she's lovelier with her same voice, and her hair is strange. Long overall, but with short chopped strands that hang distinctly against otherwise straight hair, and these chops are highlighted with what appears to be natural blondeness.
The dream shifts. There are 3 performers outside an audience/theatre, mix of modern and ancient men. One is a Nord, the Other a Med, the last is an Asian. The Nord and Med wear suits, the Asian is clad is some variant of Samurai war Armor, Ornate with menpo. The audience inside the theatre comes out screaming, they are being destroyed by something. The Nord stops playing his violin, a burst of silver balls tear through his throat and seek the crowd. This wound is greivous, spittle, blood, but he appears to nonetheless be alive. Camera cut to Med, who is blowing fire. He looks melancholic. The fire he has blown, is now alit with the same metal balls and fly into the crowd. The final Asian, is hanged upon a commercial sign outside the main entrance. Tear droplets of these balls fall from his face until his menpo drops, revealing a yellowed skull underneath. He speaks:
"I have always lived as a Gamble, a gamble of my life. It was my life. MY LIFE." his words are accentuated, reflective, pained.
The dream ends.