Quoted By:
le greentxt get
>be me
>be kinda normie
>be single
>use up stupid frens to get grill via fb contact
>le grande date
>she doesn't like me
>said no marriage with anyone ever
>okay bitch bye
>stay in club since it's barely 9pm
>another guy appears
>this whore just set up a 2nd date with her phone with that dude in the same club while she was talking to me at the table
>just my shit up
>the guy dumps this grill for her younger gf this normiescum came only to meet the other slut
>haha whore ur rekt
>mfw le absolute state of le dating scene
>this ravioli grill gets married to a 3rd dude they marry 1 year later
>mfw I check her insta on xmas of 2017
>mfw she has 2 girls on insta
>mfw when the younger one is barely 2
>mfw oldest is 6-7 years old
>mfw the bar scene happened at least 4 years ago
>mfw the cuckenning is realz
>k then
>mfw imma stealth mgtow nao
thank you based feminism
thank you based milenials
flag related inb4 eastern europe is a bastion of trad virtue
inb4 "1 post by this id bait thread fuck off" it's my gyppo isp's ipv6 so fite me