>>19087850>muh kike-produced hit piece>…. By Netflix Lol
Educate yourself:
https://youtu.be/4zLD6xLDVSEThe person who literally invented the RLG (sagnac) claimed that earth was stationary and that the RLG was detecting the vortexual aether moving above a stationary earth. again, THIS IS FROM THE GUY WHO LITERALLY INVENTED THE TECHNOLOGY.
Bob was right about ring laser gyros. Netflix edited the cuts to misrepresent what happen. The kikes lied, this shouldn’t be surprising to anyone familiar with (((their))) tactics..
Educate yourself further on RLGs, MMX and Gyro’s:
Open this pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/zm8pyxQzAnd see sections titled:
>EINSTEIN’S RELATIVITY / GRAVITY DEBUNKED:Also, search 4plebs for my previous posts regarding RLGs and sagnac:
>your go-to proof of curvature came from a flat earther that was misrepresented in a kike-produced Netflix mockumentary. Only a literal shill or a complete npc would put this forward as “proof” of the globe. Why do you think it is that you have to rely on flat earthers to prove curvature/motion instead of your own (((mainstream))) scientists? Oh yea, now I remember:
https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/32623940/#32631575Bc your scientists literally got caught faking earth curve when they attempted to perform their own “curvature test” lol
Also, picrel. Even every single one of the most credentialed physicists, cosmologists and astronomers of the heliocentric model (including Einstein, hawking and Hubble) ALL have clearly and repeatedly stated that earth’s motion has never been detected. It’s absolutely hilarious that you think a flat earther in a Netflix hit piece proved earth’s motions when not a single physicist in history would claim earth’s alleged motions have ever been proven. Why didn’t Bob get a Nobel prize? Wake the fuck up people. The TV is not your friend.