>>7407232we will see in the future what it will all bring. until then, i guess we will keep bickering and we will be further divided.
>There was a woman researcher in the early 18-19 century, kind of forgot her name, but she found clay and ancient building sites, parts etc with writing in Transylvania. Zsofia Torma, i heard of her, she discovered the Tartaria tablets.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C4%83rt%C4%83ria_tabletssad how come the ancient history of this part of Europe is almost never discussed. Dacians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, Huns, and everyone else north of the Danube, when ancient history is mentioned, it's always about, Romans, Greeks, Persians, and Egyptians. which sucks, because those civilizations are kinda overrated.
>I would say most Eastern Eu people come from city states that fortified into countries later onsounds interesting, it would seem that today's major east EU cities are built on older ones form the times you mention perhaps?