Ava Mortis may not be what many call "World Championship Material", but she's made the Hardcore Division her own by being the only multiple time holder of the belt, as well as the initial Super Duper Multiversal Champion... I think I said that right..
However, through all the blood, sweat and broken wood, she embarrassed one woman by defeating her via roll-up... in a bar... with no referee. It's obvious that Pizza Girl would want revenge for this, and with a win over the... special SHEE6, she immediately called out Ava for a shot at redemption, as well as the Hardcore Title.
And that brings us to tonight. Will we be a new "Hardcore Special Deal" from the Pizza Princess, or will Ava Mortis finally stop the bad luck on her side and finally walk away as still a champion? We're going to find out right now!