The sordid history of Lewis Amselem, Deputy U.S. Permanent Representative to the OAS>Dianna Ortiz was an Ursuline nun when she decided to dedicate herself to society’s most humble, and went to Central America with other nuns, to work as a nurse in small indigenous communities. Very soon she received anonymous death threats accusing her of complicity with guerrillas and ordering her to leave the country.>According to her account of a day in November, 1989, two men captured her in a garden of a community center, and took her in an unmarked police car to the former Polytechnic School, a military academy in Guatemala City.>A horrible interrogation began during which Ortiz was burned more than 100 times with cigarettes and raped repeatedly by her torturers, who ordered her to identify “subversives.” The treatment was so rough that she fainted.>According to a report published in 1996 by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission, Ortiz, “at one point regained conciousness and found that her wrists had been tied over her head with a bra. It seemed that she was in a patio. Then she felt various people move a heavy slab on the floor. They lowered her into a pit full of corpses. She fainted again. When she awoke, she was on the floor and the men had started again to abuse her sexually.”