>>12217348lmao no. you serbs live in fantasy. serbs were slaves for roman empire.
>>12217350you haven't burned a single gay person. for every pic of burning a statue or flag theres 1000 pics of your people parading with gay flags. cope more
>>12217351im not white, i don't larp to be
>>12217352check the stats
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6585392/>>12217353>you are not linguistim not, linguists calculated number of words number is around 8000-9000. cope more. just 1 google search lol. you delusional fag
>Famous Jugoslovian lexicographer Abdulah Škaljić collected close to 9000 “Turkish in Serbian language please see for details.https://www.scribd.com/doc/49841849/Abdulah-Skalji%C4%87-Turcizmi-u-srpskohrvatskom-jeziku-pdfhere cope more lol.
>It means turkis food is delicious you brainlet, serbs are the talest people in the earth you moron if turks raped that much we would be manlets like you north african mustafas. finnaly you admited your food is turkish kek. sure it is delicius you fags couldn't do shit woithout turkish genes
>No they are not you tatar hungarian. Slavs have similar uniforms but they are all diferent.but they are check the origins
>It is cirilic you mororn made by Cirilo and Metodie, two monks from Greece. Stupid marokan. Bulgar allso use it.serbia only adpopted it after russia
>Again post statistics you fagi will. you post statistics that show serbs are most civilized you cockgobbler retard.
pic related -denmark example. theres examples for netherlands, uk, germany, you fags always get high position.
>>12217354doesn't kosovo only has 1% serb population ? top kek, seems like you lost every war.
>>12217356im true muslim from middle east. we don't like turks in my country.