I'm looking at Semler Scientific. Stock tanked a lot to the point where it looks cheap right now, given they meet their EPS guidance this time (last 2 Q were a miss to the downside).
They are quite profitable with $6m net income last Q, which puts them at 7.2 P/E. This result is also better than 2023 Q1 by 22%
From what I see in
https://ir.semlerscientific.com/node/10201/html#ITEM7MANAGEMENTSDISCUSSIONANDANALYSISOFF they are also running a stock repurchase program and firing useless wagies (30% of them were shown the door last year).
The only downside I see is that their CFO is a woman. Even worse, most likely she is not a Jew. Although from 10-K I see she is simply allocating their cash in treasuries, so she is probably outperforming 90% of retail gamblers.