>>12303014Hold my beer.
I've been studying religions for a while, and things can get very schizo when you do. But in summary, the common theme that God, or a Divine Child will come in the future and smack people arround for being filthy heretics is consistent, so is consistent another thing.
In christianity, which is a relatively newer religion, God is an external being (inconsistent with ancient religion) and he is enemy of a Dragon. In babylonian religion, curious thing, god is still an external being it seems, but wonder of yonders, the Dragon is the creator, albeit the gods are at enmity with the Dragon.
In ancient religions, and in hindu, chinese and buddhist religion, the dragon is refered to as "serpent power" which resides within the individual, and it is the awakening of this dragon which grants eternal life and heaven.
TL;DR Tiamat did nothing wrong.
(Studying these topics is very insane because there's lots of crazy, like Agartha, ayy lmaos and Lemuria and Atlantis).