>>69111881, she quiets down. Maybe she realized this war hurts humans too, or maybe she just didn't like all the shouting. Eventually, she speaks. "For all you know, I just let myself be captured! I won't be tied up here for long, my fellow soldiers will find me eventually... And then you'll see how to REALLY handle prisoners!" she says, laughing to herself.
>>691145>>691173Before the killsquad leader can execute F, she feels a tugging on her sleeve. She looks down to see the loli, begging her to spare F. "Test subject, hmmm? Usually I ignore the requests of children, but we could extract some useful information from this... thing." She orders two of her team members to bind your arms, and they begin to carry you back to the arume base.
>>691180The arume killsquad leader's mind has been changed for the worse, roll to convince her to execute you instead.