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Welcome to Bellum Otium a fantasy medieval tabletop roleplaying world built using the Pathfinder RPG system. Together or alone you'll have the opportunity to slay monsters, create kingdoms or just make some music for people to listen to. Whatever you may choose your actions will directly influence the world and possibly other players. Magic is widespread and you'll find yourselves in a massively expansive world filled with endless possibilites. However not all is happiness and gold in Bellum Otium. Players will find themselves at the forefront of revolutions, epic quests and countless adventures. Adventurers with strong constitutions, strong roleplaying skills and a bit of luck will find themselves going far in this world. Before we can get started there's a few things I'll need to outline in hopes to get everyone on the same page. After reading this you should know everything you need to sit down and start slaying.
Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG that utilizes a complex system of rules to create a fair but fun fantasy world. We'll be using this system throughout the entirety of our play. Unlike with normal roleplay there's a few things that differ but the biggest is success vs. failure. Pathfinder does a very nice job at giving systems for everything from making friends to ruling an empire. This system relies on a multitude of things to determine success as like in life you can't always be good at everything right away. Many players may feel underpowered early on to find themselves become super human after only a couple sessions.
I encourage all players to read at least the Pathfinder Core Rulebook to the best of their ability as the more knowledge of these books you have the better. As well Pathfinder is compatible with Dungeons and Dragons Edition 3.5 meaning if you can find something in those books you like we can make it compatible.