Henlo, /pol/.
https://mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQI've noticed more and more my library gets reposted, often by folks over in the Asatru/Pagan threads that don't really understand the point of the archive, or by those holding a position antithetical to the library itself (given that by volume the library gives way higher preference to things like Thelema ((including Aleister Crowley's unpublished Yorke Microfilms)) or even Kabbalah than Nordic traditions). As such I thought I'd let you guys know about the newest update:
Total size:
47.04 GB
505 folders and 5783 files
>A.’.A.’.>PhilosophyWhen Rituals go Wrong: Mistakes, Failure, and the Dynamics of Ritual
>A.’.A.’.>Thelema>StarfireStarfire 2:4, including Schulke’s article on the Ophidian Sabbat (mirrored in the Chumbley/CS folder)
>Afro-Diaspora & VoodooAfrican Traditional Religion in South Africa
>Chumbley>General TradcraftGemma Gary’s Traditional Witchcraft: A Cornish Book of Ways
Gemma Gary’s Black Toad
Apocalyptic Witchcraft
Old Tradition Crafte, a translation of the appendant materials of the witchcraft trial of Dr. Fian in 1591.
The Devil’s Raiments from Three Hands Press – Text on use of clothing in magick, Martin Duffy examines the relationship of the sorcerer to that which clothes him, with emphasis on the witch-cult. Explored is the perception of the witch as the Naked Enchantress, as well as the historical rationales for the portrayal of nudity in witchcraft.