>>19554173You have a lot of options
bring momoi, a tank or mika to act as a tank, and serina to reposition the tank.
maybe shoshino but you don't have her skills leveled to be effective
I think shanako would be a good choice if you have her leveled as well.
>mika to act as a tankT7+ badge gives her evasion for tankiness
finally, use the bricc guide so you don't do stupid shit like leveling your momoi's normal skill. it even has good breakpoints to stop at.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-lBJa3h4mXHkmuSKohoHe60WVVg1eRG9bA73jHqHzwA>>19554213I guess her peroro could be useful to bait the mobs away