>>21305958Anna giggles, of course she wants to win, there was no need for Shelia to say that but since she asked to question her...
>Well the thing is.... as you saw i talk big but.. i'm a bit of a coward...Anna didn't want to say it but Shelia was nice to her so there shouldn't be a problem, gladly Kelly wasn't around or she would mock her for life!
>So i think i'll need some confidence, so yea i'll try my best but my goal there is not winning the total thing it's about getting popularity! I'm still a rookie after all..while i saw the other partecipants.. even if they are rookies some of them already had lot of matches! I don't know everyone around here! While you seem knowing people.. so can i get bolder with these rookies? Or i should just... train myself more? I can do some flying things but that's it..