>>21893222I denounce (((You)))
I denounce the talmud
I denounce the torah
I denounce the tanakh
I denounce kabbalah
I denounce the ADL
I denounce the SPLC
I denounce the WJC
I denounce Chabad Lubavitch
I denounce AIPAC
I denounce Lehi
I denounce JPFO
I denounce B'nai Brith
I denounce the holocaust myth
I denounce judaism in all forms, both religious and ethnic
I denounce jewish media
I denounce zionism
I denounce circumcision
I denounce baby dick sucking rabbis
I denounce usury
I denounce bar mitzvahs
I denounce yom ha'atzmaut
I denounce shabbos
I denounce purim
I denounce passover
I denounce rosh hashanah
I denounce yom kippur
I denounce Anne Frank
I denounce Leo Frank, who was a pedophile
The ADL is a pedophile kike organization
I denounce the illegitimate terrorist state of Israel
Israel has a clandestine nuclear program
Israel gave nuclear technology to South Africa, who in turn transferred their weapons back to Israel when Apartheid ended
South Africa tested an Israeli nuclear weapon off their southern coast
Nelson Mandela and other revolutionary niggers were trained by the Mossad
Christ is kike. So are you.