>>3574256>It's an easy way to earn a lot of money, people will do it and the police wont be able to stop them. we're well aware that it's an easy way to earn money
but you're missing the point-- if drug dealers are confronted with not only the possibility of going to jail but ALSO with the possibility of being gunned down like vermin by the police, what makes you think that "more dealers will rise and they'll be harder than the last bunch."
adversity doesn't magically beget change like that-- if I were a drug dealer and knew that (if I got caught) I would in all likelihood get shot down instead of getting sent to jail for a couple of years, you can damn well bet I'd be fucking scared
and if you think duterte's all talk and that drug dealers don't buy into his bullshit then you're dead wrong, since at least 8000 drug users and dealers have been killed since he started his whole death squad plan