>>19214672Do you know the original myth? Medusa (the woman) is a monster who is slain by Perseus, the hero. In this feminist version, Medusa the woman defeats Perseus (the man) and beheads him in that statue. They made the statue (across the NYC divorce court) in response to several high-profile #MeToo cases where powerful Jewish men took advantage of women, that is what the statue and its author are protesting.
But my own interpretation is that a woman with a man's head looks like modern divorce, where the woman defeats the man financially and emotionally. A woman can cheat on him, cry to the judge and to family about how she wasn't loved and was forced to find satisfaction elsewhere, divorce him, take half his stuff and tell lies about him to their children and other family. A lot of suicides happen right after divorce: Imagine being a 50 year old, succesful man and the love of your life betrays you, takes your house and your kids, half your stuff, you have to pay her thousands of dollars for the rest of your life and everybody is angry at you.