>>20707193Things are pretty much already falling apart when of your new 200k jobs 70k are government
>Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 206,000 in June, similar to the average monthlygain of 220,000 over the prior 12 months. In June, job gains occurred in government, health
care, social assistance, and construction. (See table B-1.)
>Government employment rose by 70,000 in June, higher than the average monthly gain of 49,000over the prior 12 months. Over the month, employment increased in local government, excluding
education (+34,000) and in state government (+26,000).
>Health care added 49,000 jobs in June, lower than the average monthly gain of 64,000 over theprior 12 months. In June, employment rose in ambulatory health care services (+22,000) and
hospitals (+22,000).
>Employment in social assistance increased by 34,000 in June, primarily in individual andfamily services (+26,000). Over the prior 12 months, social assistance had added an average of
22,000 jobs per month.
And last year wasn't better. picrel.