>>21798305Just as the English word for this animal and butt is the same, so did the Hebrews. So you could interpret this as Jesus riding over sin/himself (Jesus as a Sin-eater) like a Vahana im Hinduism.
https://thebiblenet.blogspot.com/2016/07/shet-set-seth.html?m=1>Shat = "columns", from the root Shayit (שית); metaphorically used to mean "princes", "nobles" (cf Psalm 11:3), in the same sense that English talks about people who are "pillars of the community">Also used for "buttock" (Isaiah 20:4 and 2 Samuel 10:4), which I take to be in some way similar to Shechem (שכם) = "shoulder": a portion. i.e the part that was eaten by the priests after the sacrificeJews have some (somewhat esoteric) holy parables related to asses (in both senses, hue):
>the animal most compared to man in the Torah is the donkey>Donkey in Hebrew is Chamor which is close to Chomer meaning material and we identify the donkey with materialism and crassness>The messiah will come riding into Israel on a donkey, this is a symbol of humility>The donkey exhibits both signs of kosher impurity — they are not ruminants, nor do they have cloven hooves. The Zohar teaches that the donkey is avi avot ha-tumah, the ultimate source of impurity, the Anus of Adam Kadmon (Qliphoth)>Abraham rode to sacrifice Isaac on a donkey>Moses took the Jews out of egypt on a donkey>Balaam, the sorcerer who tried to curse the Hebrews (he was the mastermind behind the Heresy of Baal-Peor/Lord of Opening, who was worshiped through ritual defecation), and who had a power of prophecy greater than Moses himself according to Jewish writings, rode a donkey that he fucked/performed zoophilia to obtain magical powers >Jews have a special ceremony for the first born male of a donkey which is very unique and odd (this is rather esoteric and uncommon): https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petter_chamorBTW Ass/Donkey in Egyptian/Coptic is IAO (ⲓⲁⲱ).