>>19874098>>19870360>"The real question is, why are YOU, Kelly Omega, content to be Onigiri's belt carrier and hype girl, on those rare occasions she remembers you exist? Which, by the way, let me congratulate you on securing yourself a place of honor on the card for Waifus Collide, and accompanying Onigiri to the ring for her match with Samantha (or is it Stacey?) McTavish. Now, it was an obvious act of charity, because Onigiri could have had the services of the GREATEST MANAGER OF ALL TIME, my friend Jennifer! However, nonetheless, by securing this opportunity, you proved me wrong in an important way. I'd like to retract my earlier assertion: it turns out Kelly Omega IS good enough to be Onigiri's belt-carrier and hype-woman after all! Never mind that Onigiri showed pity to you in a way that I absolutely WILL NOT when we meet in the ring. Either way, congratulations, Omega! You're in luck! Onigiri ran her mouth too much and blew her shot at that Corn Girl match she REALLY wanted, so it turns out she DID have a use for you after all!"Colby Jefferson sucks in a breath and looks towards the backstage entrance.
>"But it's my fault. Like you say, I asked for this, and this match with you, Omega, it's my monkey's paw wish. I asked for the REAL Kelly Omega, and I got her; a dismal, weak woman propped up by reputation, hype, lies, and the fact that she came along at a time when not many were better. What I really WANTED was my dream, my ILLUSION of what I thought Kelly Omega was, and all you've managed to do for me is dispel that in my mind. During your entire time here in the WWA you've been trading on your past reputation and the fact that people are stupid enough to confuse insecurity with greatness when you wrap it up in enough black leather and edgy or condescending one-liners."