>>17574707You did choose to be here, but many lifetimes ago. Every soul incarnation goes through a maturation process that begins at the most primitive of lifeforms, and ends when you choose to destroy the path of continued possible existence. There is an individual aspect of existence, but it's far less important to ascension than the current human mind frame gives individuality to be. The beauty of free will is that you do have the ability to materialize your species' fate. Unfortunately for humanity, the "best of the best" is not understood. Imagine if only blond haired, blue eyed Germanics (nordic, German, Scandinavian) were bred. There would be far less lust towards these genetic structures, and more transcendent goals would be sought after. Now though, every man alive is trying to sexually gratify their ego, ascension is not even considered, and devolution quickens pace. That's just one aspect of this quandary facing humanity's future, but it is the lowest common denominator; sex, and it's something that every human alive uses as a metric for individual success, while being the most prominent aspect of this existence that's leading to ultimate failure.
You did choose to be here, but while here, you have the ability to further ascension, destroy the ability to transcend, and/or effectively delete yourself from existence, at least on this current trajectory. The choice resides in your ability to put the benefits of the species as a whole, above your personal desires... of which won't matter in the least bit, to your transcendence. YOU... don't matter, unless you're trying actively to transcend, which requires that the entire species transcends. It's collective; not individualistic that will create the ability, and hopefully desire, to "reincarnate" into the paradigm you want to exist in.