>>21722462Therefore claiming that a single god can represent all humans within christian belief is the same as an atheist claiming that we are all part of the human race and therefore have no need for distinction based on ethnicity.
To consider all as equal is to renounce your tribe. To consider every member of the tribe as equal is to disown your family. To consider every family member as equal is to forsake yourself.
As such I don’t recognise the abrahamic religions. They are like a comic book. Their followers are equivalent to someone worshipping Spider-Man.
The godhead is the greater meta. The recognition of many consciousnesses acting as one. This could be represented as a human brain at a higher scale. Just like the brain is composed of synapses and neurons so is the godhead composed of many individuals who share the same blood, culture and history. The cumulation of all the divine sparks. The recognition of the family, the ethnic group and the people as a collective. The Allfather has existed as long as humans have existed. Every man represents the Allfather. But an allfather of a single spark. Therefore a family and clan have their own representation.
Just like the tribe is stronger than the individual. The godhead of the tribe is at a higher level of consciousness when compared to the godhead of the individual. The tribe godhead is composed of many divine sparks and has a higher consciousness Allfather. Each ethnic group has its own unique version of the Allfather(Odin, Woden, Wodan, Perun, Dievas, Zeus or Jupiter). The Allfather as a representation of the European people as a whole is the highest godhead representation of us as humans. Eostre is the representation of the forces/laws of life/nature that we exist under.
Now other phenomena can be considered as gods or laws of the universe. But this is not relevant for an ethno-centric religion.